web design ⁝ mautronics



  • Mautronics is a local, electronic prototyping & manufacturing company based in Minnesota.
  • For over 30 years, Mautronics has provided extensive expertise and experience in electronic prototyping and manufacturing services and after several decades working alongside family members, has continued their business solo with a focus on sourcing and selling electronic parts.

Primary Objectives

Design a simple and modern landing page website

Feature a page to display a list of available parts and inventory for purchase and parts request submission form

Include a contact page with an inquiry submission form

Design a responsive site at target resolutions (desktop @1440px, tablet @800px, mobile @375px)

UI Design

  • Parts & Inventory Page

    A simple, listed layout was designed to display available parts for purchase including essential information; part name, part description, in-stock quantity, and minimum order requirement.

  • With the consideration that a potential buyer must contact the company directly to discuss availability and purchase details, each listed item features a linked call-to-action to request more information via a request submission form.
  • Parts Request & Inquiry Forms

    The parts request and inquiry submission forms feature headings, labels, placeholder copy, and dropdown UI that are designed with accessibility and focused states in mind.

  • A confirmation page was also designed to display the success of form entry upon submission.
  • Responsive Design

    In an effort to ensure Mautronic’s new website was accessible and legible at various touchpoints for a wide range of potential clients, the design of the site included referencing of page layouts scaled down to tablet and mobile breakpoints.

  • At a breakpoint of 800px (~tablet), side-by-side modules and icons stack vertically to improve legibility and fill negative space.
  • At a breakpoint of 500px (~mobile), typesetting and layouts are further optimized to accommodate smaller screen sizes.





Client ⁝ Mau-tronics LLC

Web Design & Dev ⁝ Teresa Tran
